
In social network analysis, commonly used centrality indicators include In/Out Degree centrality, Betweenness centrality, Closeness centrality, and PageRank centrality. These indicators can quantify the importance and influence of nodes in a network, helping social networking platforms to identify and reward users' contributions.

In/Out Degree Centrality

In/Out Degree centrality refers to the number of inbound and outbound connections a node has in the network. In Bond, this indicator can be used to measure a user's activity and influence in the relationship network, thereby evaluating their contribution and value on the platform.

Betweenness Centrality

Betweenness centrality measures a node's degree as a bridging node in the network, that is, the number of times a node appears in the shortest path connecting other nodes. In Bond, this indicator can be used to evaluate a user's importance and influence in the relationship network, especially when connecting different communities or groups.

Closeness Centrality

Closeness centrality measures the reciprocal of the average shortest distance from a node to other nodes. Bond use closeness centrality to identify key players or influencers within a network. Nodes with high closeness centrality are more likely to have a greater influence on the network because they can quickly communicate with other nodes and potentially spread information more efficiently.

PageRank Centrality

PageRank centrality is an indicator that evaluates the importance of nodes based on their influence on the entire network. In Bond, this indicator can be used to identify users who contribute to the entire platform and reward them based on their influence. 1

In Bond, these centrality indicators are used to quantify a user's contribution to the platform and design and implement incentive mechanisms based on that contribution. For example, the platform can calculate the rewards each user should receive based on their centralities, contribution, and participation in the relationship network, and automatically distribute rewards through smart contracts to ensure fairness and transparency and increase user trust. These indicators can also help the platform identify and reward users who contribute to the platform, thereby establishing a more fair, transparent, and sustainable incentive mechanism.

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