Set up and Deploy

Install Go:

  • Download and install Go version 1.20.

  • Configure your GOPATH:

    • Guide to configuring GOPATH

    • For macOS:

      export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
      export GOPATH=/Users/$USER/go
    • For Linux:

      export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Install NodeJS & pnpm:

  • Install them via npm. However, it's beneficial to use nvm (Node Version Manager) for switching between NodeJS versions for different projects.

  • For example, if $NODE_VERSION is set to a valid version of NodeJS:

    nvm install $NODE_VERSION && nvm use $NODE_VERSION

Install PostgreSQL:

  • Ensure the version is >= 11.x and < 15.x.

  • It's crucial to configure Postgres to use an SSL connection. For testing purposes, you can append ?sslmode=disable to your Postgres query string.

  • Ensure port 5432 is open.

Install Python3.

Install Git.

Clone the Repository:

git clone && cd bondoracle

Generate Bondoracle:

  • Execute the following command:

    make install
  • This will produce a bondoracle executable file.

Check Compilation:

  • To verify that bondoracle compiled successfully, execute:

    bondoracle help

Last updated